What is Specialty Retail?

Learn what specialty retail is and how it differs from general product retailers. Find out about retail pharmacy and distribution centers and how local zoning regulations may affect them.

What is Specialty Retail?

Specialty stores are retail outlets that focus on selling a particular brand or type of product. Furniture stores, flower shops, sporting goods stores, and bookstores are all examples of specialty stores. These stores offer customers a more personalized service than general product retailers, and they strive to create a worthwhile experience by investing in full-price products. However, due to the lack of variety, specialty stores cannot meet all consumers' needs, leading them to shop at other retailers to complete their shopping lists.

Specialty retailers are not immune to disruptions caused by online sales, omnichannel, or other innovations, and many are lagging behind when it comes to technology or consumer behavior. Retail pharmacy is another type of specialty store. This refers to any pharmacy where medicines are prepared, dispensed, stored, or sold or where prescriptions are filled or dispensed to the general public. In some cases, local zoning regulations may require special conditions for approval of smokers' rooms, cigar bars, and specialty tobacco retail stores.

Distribution centers are also considered specialty stores as they mainly store products that will be shipped to points of sale.

Emmett Heyduck
Emmett Heyduck

Evil food scholar. Certified food trailblazer. Infuriatingly humble zombie guru. Passionate music fan. Wannabe web aficionado.

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